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Springfield Kiwanis group funds exciting new "K-Karts" project!

Downtown Kiwanis of Springfield is proud to fund the K-KARTS project at HSHS St. John’s Children’s Hospital! Child Life specialists at St. John’s Children’s Hospital work closely with children and teens to provide non-threatening, age-appropriate explanations and preparations. Environment is one thing a Child Life Specialist can manipulate to benefit the patients and their families. Providing a sensory, soothing and playful atmosphere is essential to the healing experience.  Downtown Kiwanis funds K-KARTS for this very reason.

The Brand new Sensory K-Kart (the first of many K-KARTS Downtown Kiwanis will be funding) provided to HSHS St. John’s Children’s Hospital by the Downtown Kiwanis is an innovative, multi-sensory device designed to create a relaxing, distracting and empowering atmosphere for children with sensory issues. It includes an interactive bubble column, a projector, fiber optic tails and other sensory devices that child life specialists and therapists can use to help kids cope with the world around them!